Gibraltar Port Gains Edge

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital

The Honorable Albert Isola, Gibraltar’s Minister for Shipping, hosted a working breakfast at Gibraltar House in London recently to draw attention to the ongoing work being done to make Gibraltar a more attractive port to international clients. The gathering was held in honor of London International Shipping Week and included discussions on the port’s new cargo handling facilities, on-site towage companies, and added cruise accommodations.

The Gibraltar Ship Register, a member of the Category I Red Ensign Group of the United Kingdom and United Kingdom dependency registers, represents nearly every type of commercial vessel. The port, constructed in 2005, is strategically situated to take advantage of Mediterranean transit.

“It is hugely helpful to have face to face and open communication with our major suppliers and to work through directly with them [to] improve the Gibraltar proposition, for the benefit of all those who work with and service clients of the port,” said Isola.

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