Jordan’s Garment Industry Heats Up

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital

Jordan in recent years has become an unlikely manufacturing giant in the garment industry.  Despite its political and socioeconomic instability and simmering hostilities with neighboring countries, Jordan’s 75 factories continue to thrive; comprising 95% of the industrial work force and producing exports that make up about 20% of the country’s gross domestic product.

“When you step into Jordan, you never feel the regional tumult,” says Radhakrishnan Putharikkal, President of the Classic Fashion factory, which is located on the Al-Hassan Industrial Estate just outside the city of Irbid. “Jordan’s stability and location made us choose it over Morocco or Tunisia, and our calculations were 100 percent right.”

With the overwhelming success of Jordanian factories, companies like Gap, Victoria’s Secret, Hanes, Eddie Bauer, and Macy’s have begun producing many of their garments there. Jordanian garment exports to the U.S. alone approached $1 billion last year, according to Jordan’s Trade Ministry.

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