Success Stories

Navigating the Flames: ETC Rescues Lumber Supplier from Shipping Challenges

In a remarkable triumph, ETC’s shipping and logistics department extinguished shipping woes for Express Forest Products, a prominent lumber import company. Tasked with finding an optimal forwarder for ocean container freight and bulk shipping, Express tackled existing inefficiencies that previously impeded shipments, causing unforeseen cost escalations. Through a collaborative effort with logistics experts and Express’ expansive global network of freight providers, a customized solution emerged. In record time, specialized vessels were chartered for bulk lumber shipments, revolutionizing shipping times and rates and delivering substantial time and cost savings for the client.

This triumphant reduction in shipping costs and transport times propelled the client and Express to achieve a notable milestone, moving 290 containers of lumber for Express Forest Products in 2022, a significant leap from the previous high of just over 150 containers. For this client, Express proved to be the tool they needed to cut through supply chain challenges. The client continues to partner with Express, keeping their programs and facilities firmly in their toolbelt as they forge ahead in building their company

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