Success Stories

A Skincare and Cosmetics Provider Uncovers Financial Alchemy that Goes Beyond Skin Deep

A Family Affair:

In 2014, a minority family-owned and operated enterprise expanded its family by joining Express Trade. Since then, the client has experienced consistent, steady growth, with ETC providing the essential financial foundation. Starting from $600k in pre-COVID sales, they surged to well over $2MM just before the shutdowns.

The COVID Makeover:

Facing COVID-related shutdowns and market upheavals, the client showcased resilience and creativity. Pivoting to hand sanitizers, they secured over 9,000 retail doors nationwide, including CVS, Target, Wal-Mart, Vitamin Shoppe, Ross Stores, and more. Adapting skin care lines with sterilizing properties, they grew from under $3MM to over $10MM during COVID-19. As the fallout settled, their newly opened retail channels remained active for mainstream urban skin and haircare products.

Improvements Lead by Technology:

ETC’s technological edge played a pivotal role in supporting growth. Advanced financial tools and real-time data empowered the client to optimize ROI. Clear visibility into AR cycles and payments enhanced margin and efficiency. Proactive communication with customers addressed late payments and chargebacks, contributing to better risk-balanced decision-making.

Sustainability and Innovation for Skincare and Haircare:

Despite substantial growth, the client upheld its commitment to sustainability and innovation. Introducing more eco-friendly products and leveraging technology to stay ahead of market trends, appealed to a broader, environmentally-conscious audience. While we can’t take all the credit, our main contribution was recognizing a client with the right values and supporting them through massive growth where other lenders might have hesitated.


Express Trade Capital Inc. takes pride in enabling clients to seize every opportunity. Our high capacity and flexibility aim to support and encourage clients, propelling them to become the companies they aspire to be. Years of experience allowed us to quickly scale their growth, fulfilling large purchase orders while reducing risk and ensuring quality products on the shelves.

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