Category Government

CBP Updates GSP

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has completed 98% of the automatic refunds for Generalized System of Preference (GSP) for entries filed with the “A” SPI and were duty paid. CPB is reviewing the remaining 2% of qualifying entries for…

Key Trade Bills & Programs Enacted

Esther Shmunis, Express Trade Capital Trade Preferences Extension Act Signed Yesterday, the President signed the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 into law. The Act grants the President the broad power to submit trade deals to Congress for an up-or-down…


Esther Shmunis, Express Trade Capital In response to the recent West Coast port work stoppages that have strained the U.S. economy, enraged the nations’ embattled retailers and impacted millions of American jobs, the federal government has begun deliberations on whether…

Government Updates

Speculation and Talks in the Trade Market Remain High in Regards to TPA, GSP, and AGOA With little movement on trade from Congress, several lobbyists are commenting on the likelihood of The Senate Finance Committee marking up a Generalized System…