
Toys & Gifts

Toys & Gifts: Innovative Funding for the world of Play

In the dynamic and imaginative toy industry, having the financial flexibility to capitalize on new ideas and consumer trends is vital. At ETC, we understand the cyclical and often unpredictable nature of the toy market. Our tailored factoring and financing options empower toy manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to bring delight to children and families without financial constraints.


Our Approach

  • pay
    Receivables Factoring

    Quickly convert outstanding invoices into cash to keep production lines moving and shelves stocked with the latest toys.

  • ap2
    Purchase Order Financing

    Feel confident saying 'yes' to larger orders by leveraging our purchase order financing, providing the funds needed to manufacture and ship products on time.

  • invent
    Inventory Financing

    Keep product assortments diverse and plentiful, ensuring the ability to meet customer demand for the hottest toy trends and seasonal favorites.

Benefits of Using ETC to Finance Your Business

  • HOMEGOODS-icon4
    Speedy Approvals

    Swift funding decisions ensure you never miss a sales opportunity.

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    Credit Management

    Leverage our expertise in credit services to mitigate risks while extending credit to new or existing customers.

  • HOMEGOODS-icon6

    Our financial solutions grow with your business, ensuring you have the resources to seize market opportunities.

  • APPAREL-icon3
    Market Responsiveness

    With our financial backing, rapidly respond to new market opportunities and consumer preferences.

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    Supply Chain Support

    Strengthen the supply chain with reliable financial resources to manage bulk material purchases and take advantage of volume discounts.

how work

Turning your Challenges into Opportunities for Success.