Category: Electronics


CLIENT A joint venture between two major American satellite manufacturers and a foreign space agency that sought to launch commercial satellites into outer space. ISSUE Due to the high value of the satellites, importation duties imposed by the government of the launch country would have killed the deal. If the deal were to go forward, […]

Factoring & PO Funding Electrifies High Voltage Sales for 5+ Year Consumer Electronics Client

Positive Current: The client specializes in creating well-designed and sharply priced electronic products with licenses including the US Army, NASA, Corona, and Head, among others. In 2017, the company had $16MM in annual sales and was looking for a well-priced solution to eliminate the risk of customer payment default. The client also wanted a provider […]

E-SCOOTERS . Riding it out on the Electric Slide Express

Delivering Facility on all Fronts: A fast-growing electric bike producer was long on sales and short on history. They went looking for a facility but needed a partner to deliver financial stability and sound advice on risk and growth. ETC delivered on every definition of “facility” by providing AR advance and PO funding facilities to […]