

Hidden Dangers of Loan-Stacking

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital One of the most consistent difficulties one encounters in the process of expanding a wholesale business is the cash flow “crunch” that can occur when your customers want to order more of your products than…

Collecting on Tough Accounts

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital Selling goods or services on open terms is a mixed bag. On one hand, open terms can attract more volume and bigger customers with the potential to accelerate your growth and increase revenues. On the…

Asset Class Break-Down

Sadie Keljikian and David Estrakh, Express Trade Capital What are asset classes? Assets are valuable properties owned by a business. There is a wide variety of assets across different industries and business structures, each of which affords different financial risks…

The Shipping Obstacle Course

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital Importing into the US requires considerable coordination. When you import goods, your shipment is often relayed among several other parties before you receive it: the supplier/exporter (or the person who ships the goods to you),…

CBP Regulations 101: The Basics

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital US-bound importing/exporting is one of the most complex and vast international industries in existence. Importers have numerous factors to consider in every transaction, including sourcing within their supply chains, warehousing, transportation, customs regulations, and more.…

Selling on Open Terms

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital When it comes to trade, wholesalers often have a considerable number of potential issues to confront. They need to account for manufacturing and shipping costs, logistical concerns, control the quality of their products, maintain good…

ETC Attends Top Trade Shows

This week, the Express Trade Capital team will attend several trade shows across the country. Here’s where you can find us: International Home and Housewares Show (Chicago) – Established in 1927, the International Home and Housewares Show hosts over 2,100…