

Tech Shakes Up Retail

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital As technology becomes increasingly present in our daily lives, it changes the way we do nearly everything, most notably how we buy and sell products. Keeping up with the intricacies of digital sales can be…

Business Credit 101

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital One of the most crucial components to effectively fund a business is its credit history. Credit reports help lenders determine how likely a business or individual is to repay their debt. While most individuals are…

Financing for Amazon Vendors

Joseph Stern, Express Trade Capital Amazon is one of the world’s largest internet retailers by revenue and market capitalization, providing sellers and buyers with a central marketplace to conduct trade. The platform has grown so large that many financiers, including…

Financing for a New Market

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital Innovation, in every sense of the word, has taken over. The combination of consistent technological advances and a global market in flux has changed the culture and functionality of business operations on a global scale.…