Month July 2017

West Coast Longshore Contract Extension

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital Longshore workers from 29 ports across the west coast have voted to determine whether to extend the collective bargaining agreement they share with the Pacific Maritime Association, or PMA, for an additional three years. Early…

Translating Invoice Terms

Sam Permutt, Express Trade Capital Making sense of the various terms contained in invoices can be frustrating. Plus, terms are getting trickier and more involved as big customers continue to strategically extend their payment terms and interrupt cash flows for…

Why Use Purchase Order Financing?

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital What is purchase order financing? Purchase order financing is a trade finance solution designed to help businesses finance the production and shipping costs required to fulfill their customers’ purchase orders. This allows companies, typically wholesalers…

CBP 201: Products to Watch Out For

Sadie Keljikian, Express Trade Capital A galaxy of constantly changing regulations governs the complex world of US imports. In our previous article on this subject, we focused on agricultural and licensed products. This time, we focus on some of the…